Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“I’m in” on Lent 2011

In past years, Lent has been a way to make amends for failed New Year’s resolutions. I’ve vowed to give up processed foods, cigarettes, or whatever goal I fell short on since the New Year.

Last night, on the Eve of Lent 2011, I decided to see what this event meant beyond black marks on people’s foreheads (years ago, I unwittingly tried to brush it off a colleague's forehead thinking it was dirt) and renewed resolutions.
Lent is clearly a Christian holiday at heart but it seems like it could be celebrated by any religion or in a secular way. In other words, I think it is all good--and worthy of consideration in one’s life regardless of religious conviction. A few basic tasks traditionally have been associated with Lent: fasting (or giving up something), prayer, almsgiving (charity), and scripture reading. So, yeah, check,  “I’m in” on Lent 2011.
When choosing an image to accompany this blog entry, the one above waved at me. I looked at it and thought “yes that would be a good idea,” “hmm, need to stop that,” and on. Even though giving up Facebook for Lent sounded the best, I decided that forgoing a nightly cocktail will allow me to save resources, financial and other, for the almsgiving. Since my brother died, prayer has significantly helped me along. Not the “Dear God, please…” type of prayer that I knew as a child but rather conversation with the awareness that it is a Divine discussion for me. For this year’s Lent, my daily readings will include uplifting poetry, Psalms, song lyrics and other things that enrich my spirit and soul.

“Hi Annie, I think making any commitment during Lent helps make the period one of reflection.....I would encourage you to pick something and do it in the spirit of an offering not of depriving yourself. These are all spiritual practices, and my experiences have been very positive.”--excerpt from my sister Mary’s response to Lent questions. 

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